Weird Ramblings
I stitch thoughts together. It takes some time. As my mother would tell you, I am not the best seamstress in the world, but I can hem a pant leg or close a hole and have it look all right. Let’s see how I do now. I feel like Specialist Cameron Klein at the end of Captain America: The Winter Soldier . Only instead of discovering that HYDRA secretly controlled SHIELD for years, I’m discovering that this election was more about white supremacy than conservative ideals. Much like it took me about an hour to realize that the hijackers that flew the planes into the Twin Towers didn’t hijack empty planes, I am delighted to discover naivetĂ© still resides in me. I thought I had thrown it all way in the 80s. However, as I read vetted news sources and sift through opinion pieces, one thing has become very clear: white supremacy has a gun to my head and he wants me to push the button to launch the helicarriers. When I leave work early, I catch T...