Tonight's word count
Writing Time: 4:00 pm until 6:23 pm
Word Count: 691 words
Feeling: This makes up for missing last night and then some (guilt). I spent the afternoon in bed, nauseated and feverish. I would write a little and lie down. I would write a little and look at Facebook. I would write a little and check my phone. At least the first scene in Chapter Eight is done. It was a little dry because it's mostly foreshadowing things to come.
Word Count: 691 words
Feeling: This makes up for missing last night and then some (guilt). I spent the afternoon in bed, nauseated and feverish. I would write a little and lie down. I would write a little and look at Facebook. I would write a little and check my phone. At least the first scene in Chapter Eight is done. It was a little dry because it's mostly foreshadowing things to come.
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