Tonight's word count

Writing Time: 5:50 pm until 6:30 pm
Word Count: 530 words
Feeling:  The end of Chapter 9, Scene 1.  Finally, I made it to prom night.  The limo has been set on fire and the cause of Nate's future guilt has happened.  I felt good writing tonight.  Paycheck job wasn't so grueling, so I'm not nearly exhausted as I have been.  Now, Hubby needs to come home with dinner and feed me.

A quote from tonight's work:
Through the flame, something broke through the glass window.  It hit the seat next to Maggie and bounced onto the floor.  For a second, I considered picking it up.  However, a fanning column of flame shot from the hole in the window.  A piece of white rage fluttered at the edge of the flame before falling to the floor.  Instantly, the ceiling of the limo caught fire.  It spread the length of the cabin like a wave.


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